Monday, February 9, 2009

 If you look to the left OK the hummingbird feeder there is a hummer ready to sip from it. This was last year march 17Th it looks like this year will be the same picture. Freezing level down to 500 feet and snow in our future. 
  Sure nice to know spring is just 30 days away. Hope to send early pictures of my latest project. A queen captain bed for my daughter and family. I started assembly yesterday and it looks pretty good if I do say so.
  Still no word from the census people guess I am too dam old for them also. Remember this and put money away in a credit union now. You will be sixty before you know it. I know it seems like forever in your future BUT IT IS NOT.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should start your own furniture business...I would buy stuff from you. You could sell it from your blog. You'll have to give me a discount for the rest of my life though, since I did give you the idea to go into business.
