I believe this is the answer to this countries current Depression. I remember how the fashion police banded together and shamed all of us guys till we sent our leisure suits to the goodwill. I had a navy blue leisure suit the matching shirt had red white and blue shushes it was comfy. For a lot of men it was the first time they had a
cordinated outfit even if they still wore white tube-socks. For many men it was the first time they rushed to buy a new outfit in there entire life! Now that ten percent of us have lots of leisure time we need a new suit to uplift our spirits.Perhaps with a made in China label we could get a three
pice suit for 59.99 at
Walmart and 79.99 at
JC Penny. If Obama would give each man a ten dollar economic stimulus rebate most
americans should be able to budget A new Leisure suit out of our unemployment checks.Wow with twenty-million
american men spending 59.99 or 79.99 that should get the economy rolling again.That is the very reason we need to bring this fashion statements back into our wardrobes. The average guy still has and wears clothes he wore twenty tears ago. This is not good for the economy, guys need to go out there and spend get the money flowing. The other day I went with a friend to visit to a hundred year old friend of his. We go into his nursing home and Bill that is his name. Bill is waiting for us in a very nice brown suit with matching tie. Bill looked really dapper! On a shelf behind him is a picture of bill when he retired at sixty five. Guess what Bill was wearing the same Dam suit and tie! Don`t you think fashion designers could come up with something new and exciting for us men to wear. I mean really!
mens clothes have not changed in
over TWO HUNDRED years. So lets all call for the return of the
leisure suit and get the economy rolling again. Maybe Obama could send each man a Ten dollar Leisure Suit gift certificate. I bet
JC Penny would even be willing to sell Obama the gift certificates at half price. I know you ladies are being left out here but remember! you can go shopping with us. The gift certificate would only apply to men`s leisure suits. However once you were at
JC Penny or
Wallmart I bet hubby could be persuaded to let you buy something for bedroom wear.