Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Big Count!

I think it was last September I sat for the Cencus exam, believe it or not I passed the dam thing with a grade of 86%. They called and asked if I would like to retake exam and try for a better grade. I passed the option between my ears remembered the stress of testing,the hundread mile round trip,and all of this without pay! I figured I might fail the second time around! I told them, I would stick with the eighty six.
Sometime in november they called to ask if i was still interested! I assured them I still wanted the job. About Christmas the cencus people called again. Again I assured them I still wanted to partisipate in the historic event. In Feburary they called And I was sure I was sure I was going to start counting. I called the number and again they asked if I was still interested in the job. I said yes! At this point I was sure they were going to hire me. The person on the line thanked me said they would keep me on the list!!!! Thanks I said other words drifted through my mind!!!!!!
The first sunday in May I was sitting on the thrown really doing the number two big time. When THEY called AGAIN wanting to know if I was still interested in doing the cencus. Good thing I was unable to reach it before answering machine picked up. Getting older and slower does have some advantages. I finished up washed my paws and decided to call back with a smile in my voice. They had jerked my line long enough and I was not going to be the one to quit. I punched in the phone number and after getting cut off I at last reached some poor new hire who read through the script in much need of practice! First question are you still interested in working for the 2010 cencus? Yes i replied my mind was thinking I would be seventy four for the 2020 count! I was sure the were going to keep me on the list till then maby I would pick up another ten points for tenacty. He kept asking questions, I kept replying yes!yes ! and more yes`s I was then asked to repeat the loyalty oath. At this point the newby told me that I was the first person he had hired! He seemed quite prud of himself!
Readers please note that I can`t find spell check so my spelling my becunique!
Eight days later on a monday I started cencus takers class only to find out that it was Enumerators class and I would be an Enumerator. Too make the fifteen of us feel better we found out we were replacements. Guess we were all borderline passers! Guess the guys that hit Normany beach the day after D day had the same feeings. We waded through the four days of training that took the first line troops five days. One fellow about my age disclosed to me that he was having trouble hearing. i told him I was hearing too. Next day he never showed up. Thousday afternoon we took a break prior to sitting for the FINAL. Another fellow my age confided to me that after taking the class he was sure he did not want to follow through. Thinking that he had exam jitters i explained that he could miss thirteen out of thirty and still pass. He seemed to relax and thanked me. I got another Eighty and assume others did better. My nervus friend failed but smiled at me on his way out off class.
Monday I drove to Debs Cafe to meet with my new Crew leader and assistant leader. We exchanged phone numbers talked over enumerating and made appointments to meet with our assistant crew leader who lives at Mckenzie Bridge, Crew leader lives in Oak ridge his area starts at the top of the pass on Hwy. 58 drops down to Springfield and up too the top of the pass on Hwy 126 Largest assignment area in the whole country most likely covers more area than the state of Connecitieck{i know that one is spelt incorrect but you can figure it out) It is almost ten at nite and i am going to publish and hope to add more to story later.
It is Wednesday evening thought I would tell you about my day out there enenunerating. I have a new area it`s along hwy 126 can`t be more specifif than that znd stay out of jail! Tuesday I was assigned this new area and I went out and founf the last address the farthesrt away so today I decided to start at the closest address. After passing it by three times I was able to sluth it out. You would think people would have there addresses in four foot numbers so emergency people can find them! Guess they never think they could have a heart attack or there home could catch fire. Gotta tell you these people are gonna die and there homes are gonna burn! So many are not marked that you have two find an address on either side and then pound on door and ask is this number twelve a street. Believe it or not they live there and they doon`t know what there address is. There mail goes to a post office box ! If they get mail.
So I found the first place it`s a home with a business on same property. I find a worker and he tells me owners are at office. I talked to him last week at his home we chat a while and he gives me business phone number. I climb bach into truck manouver my F 250 camper special around ,head back down driveway and smell dog shit! It`s a hudge fresh pie covering my whole left shoe on floor mat on brake pedal and spread to right shoe and gas pedal. Very aromatic in warm truck. So I stop in there driveway throw floor mat into truckk bed wipe doggie pie off shoes on there lawn. Don`t want to take there stuff home! The aroma has mellowed in truck so I call business phone, get secertary who transfers me to owner she confirmes that she indeed lives at address on enumerators questioneer.( here on to be called EQ) Says she will call me back in two minits on her blue tooth car phone. I wait worker comes down hill and tells me owner is havind a bad day says she will most likely not call me back as she is in a bad mood. Says I need to pull on through gate so he can close it. I tell him I am sorry I told her gate was open. He says he really did not need the two pounds of chewed but anyway.
Moving along to next address there is a log truck chewing up my rear bumper so I put the pedal to the metal drive two miles find a safe turn around, drive two miles bach pull into driveway gather up clip board with EQ notice of visit form and privacy statement. pound on door no answer clearly this is a vacation home or a vacation rental. I hang notice of visit form on door with my name and phone number. I think I have left twenty of these next person to call will be the first! It`s about noon my bladder is now screeming the morning coffee aided by blood pressure pill! Nearest potty is three miles away. By the time I reach it I will have peed my pants. I look climb through some brush find privacy and let it out. I get a real stream shooting from my hose and the cell phone rings! I shut down the streem not an easy thing too do at 64. It`s the lady from the doggie pie house she seems in pretty good mood after all apoligises for not calling back in two miuits. I climb back through the brush stowing my hose as I recite the privacy statement from memory supphosed to read it. If you don`t tell I won`t. I pick up clip board and go through the questions throughly but speedly. Thank her for helping me say goodby push end climb back through the bushes pull out hose and let the yellow stuff out. Climb out of bushes did I mention it was raining cats and dogs. So I scoop rainwater off truck to wash my hands hey you know most guys would not even bother. Looking over EQ`s I find next three addresses are all in a row. I gather up EQ stuff plop hat on hoist umbrella lock truck and head down street. As I approch second home lady comes out of third home I show her my Cencus ID card ash if this is address on EQ she says it is but she filled out form in Arizona thank her for that and ask her five questions because this is her summer home if she lived there she would have got ten questions. She also said that number two home was hers and it was also a vacation home so now i have a two fer and then she says first home is vacation home and that number four is vacant and has been for years now I am thinking WOW I got a four fer but she says I can`t use her for proxy for other two Dam! I thank her walk on to fourth home leave NV on door knowing it will never get read. Heading back down highway I pass next address drive back to turn around find a place too safely pull off three hundread feet past address gather up stuff flip out umbrella walk back to vacant lot with for sale sign write down realtor phone number and by the way no address on property. On way back to truck mother nature dicides I really need a bath but umbrella does its job untill an eighteen wheeler passes just under the speed of sound. Umbrella flops up and mother nature blesses me with her bounty. I truged back to the truck called it a day before soomething worse happened.

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