Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Turning 65

Turning 65 should be a painless event,you start medicare,you get cake and recieve a gold watch. All I got thankfully was medicare and oh yes a helicopter ride to the hospital. Did I mention having a heart attack on Feburary fourth my birthday. Would much preffered the the cake!
Well they loaded my ass on the helicopter lifted off and I looked out the window felt the dam thing bobbing up and down as it defied gravity. I decided to close my eyes and cast my fate to the wind. This really got the attension of the flight nurse! She touched my neack to chech for hert beat and pumped up the blood pressure cuff. I heard her redirect the pilot to the closest hospital. I popped open my eyes for another birds eye view and decided that I was better off not seeing the sights. Soon we set down on the hospital roof and off to E.R. I went.
I really threw the doctors into a quandry when I told them I had no chest pain but my shoulders hurt so bad it felt like my arms were being pulled out of the sockets. Well they shot me full of Morphine and hooked me up to the EKG machine,the auto bloodpressue cup, snapped the oxygen clothes clip to my finger, stuck oxygen hose in my nose and drew enough blood to keep a vanpire happy!
About the time the Morphine kicked in Sue arrived. She dicided to drive my big truck so I would be comefortable on the ride home. Found out later she drove way too fast guess the good thing was if she did have an accident she most likely would have been safe. Very thankfull we did not have to share a hospital room. Soon after her arrival the Cardiologist arrived with the news that I had indeed had a heart attack. He dicided to transfere me to the Cardio unit and moniter me over nite.
After spending a nite zonked on Morphine the decided to shoot me full of blue dye and see what do do to me. They found a clot and sliced open my groin and popped in a stint and the shoulder pain vanished. The next day they released me and I have felt fine since.